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Toy Mountain Campaign 2004

Each year on December 25th, 100's of 1000's of kids are not fortunate enough to experience the joy of this magical time of the year. Kids from all walks of life and all backgrounds should be given the opportunity to smile with happiness. It does not matter what your background is or even what religion you are, giving a gift to a less fortunate kid will bring happiness to that child and will make you feel good inside at the same time.
Together we can make a difference! Remember, children are children no matter where in the world they live.

This year, Rocky Stone, Danielle Bouffard & Devon Harding are looking for support from all over the world! Even if you are only able to send one toy via mail, that one toy will put a BIG smile on a little kids face!

Please open up your hearts and show that you care!

This years goal is 3,000 Toys for the Less Fortunate Kids!
A very warm thank-you goes out to everyone that have already contributed toys to Rocky's office from the following areas:


Napanee (Ontario), Grimsby (Ontario), Toronto (Ontario)

USA States

California, Texas, Washington, New York, Florida, Michigan, Missouri

From Around The World
Oxfordshire (United Kingdom)

Special thank-you to:

Jim Sherrill from Washington, USA

Kaitlyn Maggio from California, USA

Avril Lavigne from Ontario, Canada

Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen from California, USA

Hilary Duff from Texas, USA

I. Davidson from Oxfordshire, UK

Kelsey Lewis from California, USA


Current Total To Date: 97 Toys

My deadline is Dec.24/04!

Thank-you all again for caring so very much!

Toy Mountain Campaign
c/o Rocky's Kidz
146 Shuter Street,
Main Floor (Buzzer #1)
Toronto, Ontario
M5A 1V9